Body Recovery Day Spa  - logo
19410 36th Ave W, Ste #4
Lynnwood, WA 98036


Located in Lynnwood, WA
Call Our Office

Contact Us Today

Body Recovery Clinic and Day Spa
19410 36th Ave West, Suite #9
Lynnwood, WA 98036

Phone: 425-670-0970
Fax: 425-670-0940

Office Hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Appointment Only
Closed: July 4, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year 's Day

Approximate Provider Schedules

Adriene5 appointments on Mondays (Earliest 11; latest 4:30 pm) and 3 appointments on Saturdays. (Earliest 10:00 am; latest 12:30pm.) Wait time: 2-3 months.

Chèla is not accepting new clients except by referral from other clients.

Gwyneth: M-Th, four appointments a day. (Earliest 12:45 pm; latest 4:30 pm). Wait time: 1-3 weeks.

Jeff: Thursays & select weekend days, 6-7 appointments a day. (Earliest 8 am, latest 11am/12pm). Wait time: 2 weeks for Th, 2-3 months for weekends.

Mars: T F, 4-5 appointments a day; very flexible. Same-day or next-day appointments often available. May open other days, including weekends, for a booking of 2+ clients.

Send a Message

Availibility may be limited. We cannot guarantee next-day appointments or any particular time. Wait times are approximate.

In your message, please answer the following questions:

  • (insurance clients) Do you have a prescription for massage therapy? (See our FAQs)
  • Preferred contact method (email or phone call)?
  • What days and times work best for you?

Contact Page Form

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